Summer is just around the corner in Bentonville, AR, which means now’s the best time to schedule spring HVAC maintenance. Unfortunately, while skipping maintenance may save you money today, it negatively impacts how your HVAC system functions. As a result, you pay more tomorrow. Below are five reasons you can’t afford to skip spring HVAC tuneups.
Greater Reliability
In the heat of summer, the last thing you want is for your HVAC system to break down. Not only do you have to deal with the heat, but you’ll have to wait a few days as service technicians have more calls to handle. So instead of hoping that your system won’t break down, take the initiative with preventative maintenance.
Increased Energy Efficiency
As your air conditioner ages, it starts wearing down, which lowers its energy efficiency. As a result, this causes your system to use more power to provide the same level of comfort, which also raises your utility bills.
Keeps Warranty Valid
An HVAC warranty protects your system for 10 years. It’s there in the event of a malfunction with your system. However, if you don’t have your system regularly maintained by a professional, you run the risk of voiding your warranty.
Longer HVAC Lifespan
The last thing you want to do is replace your HVAC system sooner than needed. The typical HVAC system has a service life of 10 to 15 years as long as it receives proper maintenance. Without regular maintenance, that service life will be shorter.
Better Indoor Air Quality
A professional service technician replaces or cleans your system’s air filter, which traps bacteria, pollen, dust and other particulates that contaminate your air and leads to decreased indoor air quality. Unfortunately, clogged air filters also increase the wear and tear to your system’s components, aging your system even more.
Your HVAC system takes care of you, so it only makes sense to take care of it in return. Contact H&K Heating & Air, INC. today to make an appointment for your HVAC maintenance needs.
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